Tropics Thwarted by Sahara Dust; Prep Tips for Hurricanes

Tropical disturbances in the Atlantic Ocean

Tropical disturbances in the Atlantic Ocean

At present, two tropical disturbances are situated in the Atlantic Ocean. One is on its course toward the Caribbean Sea, and the other is inching closer to Florida. 

Nonetheless, the dry Saharan dust will hinder these disturbances from intensifying. Despite this, we can anticipate substantial rain in Sebastian.

The first disturbance is a tropical wave near the Windward Islands with a 10 percent chance of intensifying. It’s propelling westward into the Caribbean Sea at about 1 mph. This weather system will persist on its current trajectory, producing sea levels from 6 to 9 feet.

“Even though development is unlikely, locally heavy rains and strong gusty winds are expected across the portions of the Lesser Antilles during the next day or so,” the National Hurricane Center said in a statement.

The second disturbance, located a few hundred miles south-southwest of Bermuda, is considerably closer to Sebastian, Florida. Weather experts call it a “weak trough of low pressure.” 

While there’s a chance of gradual development, the likelihood of this storm system intensifying is 20 percent. It’s generating easterly winds and causing seas to rise between 4 to 7 feet. This weather pattern will help reduce the heat advisories we’ve been dealing with lately.

The 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season began with much activity but slowed down later. The peak months for major hurricanes are typically August, September, and October. 

Sebastian faced the wrath of two significant hurricanes in September 2004. Frances battered our area on September 10th, followed by Jeanne on September 28th. 

How To Prepare for Hurricane Season

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The most crucial device to have is a weather radio (affiliate link), currently on a 20% off sale, equipped with solar and a hand crank for situations when you lose power. It can also serve as a charger for your mobile phone, with in-built NOAA Emergency Weather Broadcast Access.

Some residents opt for a complete Portable Power Bank (affiliate link) to power their lights and charge their mobile devices. Others prefer investing in a Gas Generator (affiliate link) that can produce 3000-4000 watts, allowing more essential appliances to be powered.

Remember to pick up some extra water bottles next time you visit the grocery store. This ensures that you’re well-stocked and won’t have to rush to the store at the last moment when a storm is heading toward Florida. Other supplies, such as non-perishable foods, can be picked up during regular shopping trips. Canned foods are an excellent option. 

If your house lacks hurricane shutters, it would be wise to have some wood handy. Now is the perfect time to purchase a few pieces to board up your windows. Avoid the last-minute rush when stores like Home Depot get overcrowded just days before a storm. 

The fundamental strategy here is acquiring the necessary supplies during regular shopping to avoid long lines later.

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