Be a Hero for Sea Turtles & Waterbirds!

Sea Turtle Nest (Tim Donovan/FWC)

Sea Turtle Nest (Tim Donovan/FWC)

The local beaches are a haven for humans and wildlife alike. But these sandy shores become vital for endangered sea turtles and vulnerable waterbirds during the summer nesting season.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) reminds beachgoers to be mindful and share the space with these amazing creatures. Here are some easy tips to ensure everyone has a happy and safe holiday.

Give Them Space:

Clean Up After Yourself:

Minimize Light Pollution:

Leave Fireworks to the Pros:

Keep Pets Leashed:

Be Aware and Report:

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure a successful nesting season for Florida’s precious wildlife.

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