Sebastian Police Officer Trial Set Whose K-9 Died In Hot Car

Sebastian Police Department

Sebastian Police Department

The trial of Eric Michael Antosia is set for October 15, 2019, in Brevard County. He is being charged with animal cruelty.

Antosia told investigators that he accidentally left his K-9 partner in a hot patrol vehicle on Friday, April 28, 2017. The dog’s name was Diesel. The Sebastian police officer is facing a first-degree misdemeanor.

After being on administrative leave, Antosia returned back to work.

When Sebastian Daily tried to speak with Antosia about the case in 2018, he was very emotional and could barely continue any discussion regarding the death of his K-9. It was evident to us that Antosia was still going through a lot of pain and agony over the loss of his former K-9 partner, Diesel.

Antosia had been a K-9 handler since 2001, and a veteran police officer for more than 20 years. Diesel was his second dog. He adopted his first K-9 after the animal was retired.

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