Help Sea Turtle Hatchlings By Leaving Them Alone

Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles (FWC)

SEBASTIAN – It’s that time again, and beachgoers should remember that if they encounter sea turtle hatchlings emerging from nests on the beaches in Sebastian, Wabasso, Vero Beach or elsewhere, to leave them alone.

From now through the end of October, sea turtle hatchlings are breaking out of their eggs on the shores of Sebastian and Vero Beach, digging out of nests and making their way across beaches to begin their lives in the Atlantic Ocean.

They usually emerge from their nests at night.

“Sea turtle hatchlings are small and appear helpless, so people may make the mistake of thinking they need assistance getting to the water. But you can help hatchlings home by leaving them alone,” said Robbin Trindell, who heads the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) sea turtle management program.

“Sea turtle hatchlings are biologically programmed to look for the brightest horizon and walk toward the water,” said Trindell. “Any interference or disturbance by people, such as getting too close or taking flash photos, increases the chances the hatchlings will get confused, go in the wrong direction and not reach the ocean quickly. That makes them vulnerable to dehydration, exhaustion, and predators. Remember, you need a special permit from the FWC to interact with sea turtle hatchlings. Beachgoers should never handle or interact with hatchlings on their own.”

Important things that people can do to help sea turtle hatchlings survive:

You can help support conservation of sea turtles and their hatchlings by purchasing a new sea turtle decal with a $5 donation.

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