Exchange Club of Sebastian Recognizes Hardworking Local Students

Students who received the Youth of the Month Award

Students who received the Youth of the Month Award

The Exchange Club of Sebastian recognizes hardworking pre-high school and high school students who attain high levels of scholastic achievement, community involvement, and leadership & demonstrate good citizenship at school and home with their Youth of the Month Award.  

Students recognized for October were Amelia Pasqualone from Sebastian River Middle School, Caleb McCrary from Sebastian Charter Junior High School, Daniel Davilma from Storm Grove Middle School, and Ace Mclain and Ava Rhea from Sebastian River High School.

Amelia Pasqualone 

Amelia Pasqualone stands out as a stellar student, consistently delivering her utmost in academic pursuits and epitomizing a majority, if not all, of the IB traits. Her presence in class is remarkable, combining hard work, dedication, and a delightful demeanor. Amelia consistently reflects on her learning, delving deep into introspection. As a natural inquirer, she is never shy of probing further to attain a profound understanding of subjects. Amelia’s academic tenacity shines when faced with challenges, revealing her unwavering commitment. 

She embodies the essence of the IB Learner Profile Traits, showcasing an exemplary work ethic and an adventurous spirit. She is an adept communicator, effortlessly coordinating group tasks and sharing ideas and exudes warmth, kindness, and authenticity. Amelia’s dedication to her studies is marked by her integrity and principled approach, often surpassing expectations. She not only excels academically but also inspires her peers, setting an aspirational standard. 

Widely respected and admired by her classmates, Amelia is a beacon of inspiration and leadership. Her open-mindedness, compassion for others, and drive for excellence encapsulate the ideal IB learner attributes. SRMS takes immense pride in acknowledging Amelia as the Student of the Month. In receiving her well-deserved accolade, Amelia graciously expressed gratitude to her educators and loved ones for their unwavering support.

Caleb McCrary

Caleb McCrary stands out as a student with remarkable dedication in his academic pursuits and as a beacon of leadership among his contemporaries. During his tenure at Sebastian Charter Junior High School (SCJH), especially as an 8th grader, he has consistently showcased academic excellence, boasting a commendable 4.0 GPA in all his advanced courses.

He participates enthusiastically in youth sports outside the classroom, demonstrating his prowess in Cross Country, Basketball, and Volleyball. His physical strength is evident, but it’s his unwavering spirit and drive that garners admiration from his peers. Yet, what truly differentiates Caleb is his exemplary sportsmanship and heartwarming persona.

Caleb’s radiant positivity resonates with both staff and students. His infectious smile and laughter are instant mood boosters, making every room brighter. His unwavering commitment to inclusivity ensures that no one ever feels marginalized or undervalued in his presence. A beacon of positivity, Caleb exudes kindness, compassion, and an unwavering positive spirit. His intrinsic motivation, combined with his unparalleled drive, is indeed a testament to his character. His genuine willingness to uplift and support his peers without prejudice defines him more than just his achievements. He personifies kindness, empathy, and genuineness.

It’s a unanimous sentiment at SCJH that Caleb’s future shines brilliantly. SCJHS is privileged to have such a gem in our midst, and his selection as the Student of the Month is a fitting acknowledgment of his outstanding contributions.

Daniel Davilma

Daniel Davilma consistently excels across all his classes. His demeanor and work ethic not only set him apart but also serve as an inspiration for his peers. Now in his second year with the Junior Honor Society, Daniel’s respectfulness stands out, especially given his age.

His responsible and resourceful nature is universally acknowledged and appreciated, earning him the affection and admiration of classmates and educators. In every aspect, Daniel exemplifies what it means to be a role model. His politeness, kindness, and consideration are always evident. Moreover, his commendable sportsmanship and readiness to assist, often proactively without even being asked, underscores his generous spirit. Upon receiving his award, Daniel graciously expressed gratitude to the Exchange Club of Sebastian for recognizing him.

Ace Mclain

Ace Mclain, an esteemed IB Diploma Candidate, boasts an impressive 4.593 Weighted GPA and stands third in his academic cohort. He’s been recognized as a National Merit Commended Scholar and was honored with the College Board Small Town & Rural Recognition Award. Furthermore, he presides over the National Honor Society and has earned the title of an AP Scholar. As a proactive student leader, he holds the position of Senior class Treasurer and oversees Chapter Excellence for FBLA during the 2023-24 term. Ace is also associated with Masterminds, offers his expertise as a Mathnasium tutor, and adjudicates at science fairs.

Professionally, Ace has successfully cleared the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) and the Agricultural Certification Exam by AERT. His musical talents have won him two ‘Superior with Distinctions’ accolades at State Solo & Ensemble for piano and percussion. He’s not just a musician but a leader; he directs the band’s percussion section. Moreover, his ambient piano compositions can be streamed online under the pseudonym ‘ace.’

Beyond his many achievements, Ace’s vibrant personality shines through. His infectious smile and active classroom participation make him a standout. Always eager to discuss and delve into academic subjects, Ace’s zeal for learning is unparalleled, setting him apart from many of his peers. In accepting his award Ace said, “Thank you to the club and my family for pushing me to be the best I can be.”

Ava Rhea

Ava Rhea, an aspiring IB Diploma Candidate, holds an impressive 4.548 Weighted GPA, positioning her 13th in her class. She proudly represents the National Honor Society and serves as the Excel Club Secretary while being an active member of the FBLA. In her pursuit of medical excellence, Ava is part of the Nursing Program and is on track to earn her CNA certification. She’s also slated to gain practical insights by shadowing physicians at Vero Orthopedics. Besides, she contributes her time as a mentor in the Peer-to-Peer program at Fellsmere Elementary.

On the sports front, Ava has showcased her prowess in volleyball, representing the SRHS Volleyball Team for four years and playing for Club Volleyball – Vero Elite. Her academic brilliance was acknowledged at the County Commissioners Meeting’s “College Game Day,” and she’s the esteemed SRHS nominee for the U.S. Presidential Scholarship.

As a student, Ava is diligent and outstanding. Her impeccable time management skills and unwavering commitment to academics set her apart as a beacon of inspiration for her contemporaries. Ava aspires to further her education at Florida State or the University of South Florida, emphasizing nursing bio-engineering. Gratefully, she expressed her appreciation to the Exchange Club of Sebastian for recognizing her achievements.

Congratulations to all of the Exchange Club’s Students of the Month.

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