Help Shape Sebastian’s Budget: Apply for Citizens Budget Review Board!

City of Sebastian

City of Sebastian

The Sebastian City Council is seeking engaged residents to join the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board! This is your chance to make a real difference in your community by providing valuable input on the city’s budget.

Two at-large member positions are available with terms lasting until November 2025. Additionally, there’s one opening for an alternate member with a term ending in November 2027.

What is the Citizens Budget Review Board?

This volunteer board plays a crucial role in Sebastian’s financial well-being. During budget season, the board reviews the proposed spending plan and offers recommendations to the City Council before the first official budget hearing each year.

Who can apply?

Any resident of Sebastian for at least one year prior to applying is encouraged to submit an application.

How to Apply?

Applications are readily available:

Don’t miss the deadline! Applications are due by November 15, 2024. Become a vital part of Sebastian’s financial future. Apply for the Citizens Budget Review Advisory Board today!

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