City of Sebastian Installs New Lightning System at Barber Street Sports Complex

Baseball Concession Horn and Strobe

The City of Sebastian installed a new Thor Guard Lightning System to predict and detect lightning at the Barber Street Sports Complex.

“This system will also allow parents, coaches, and family members the opportunity to check the system before they leave to head to the park or ball field,” Sebastian Leisure Services Director Brian Benton, CPRP, told Sebastian Daily.

The system is also a weather station to provide heat warnings, weather radar, and other rainfall data. The link to the website for the Barber Street location is

“This site could also be a great asset for the community so that the general public could use it to check on approaching storms and know when to seek shelter at home or throughout the community,” said Benton.

Thor Guard Lightning System

Here is how the system will work at the Barber Street Sports Complex:

The system is pretty impressive, and Sebastian Daily checked out the equipment that’s been mounted on the main building near the baseball fields at the Barber Street Sports Complex.

The Skate Park office also has a satellite location with a horn and strobe light that alerts the football fields simultaneously. Benton said this was to ensure coverage throughout the entire complex, to notify everyone using the park.

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